Austria/Germany 2024 6 min original version with English subtitles

by Eva Pedroza and Fanny Sorgo

Script: Fanny Sorgo, Music: Mary Ocher, Producers: Eva Pedroza, Fanny Sorgo, Maria Trigo Teixeira, Narrators: Len Jakobsen, Anne Kulbatzki, Benjamin Martin
Mr. Ham decides to have his heart removed in order to be relieved of his complicated feelings. The doctor assures him that this is no longer a problem at all in this day and age.

Eva Pedroza, born in Buenos Aires/Argentina in 1982, is a multidisciplinary artist based in Berlin. She studied at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes in Buenos Aires and at the Berlin University of the Arts. Her works consists of drawings, ceramics, paintings and animations.

Fanny Sorgo, born in Austria in 1993, is a multidisciplinary artist based in Vienna and Berlin. She studied scenic writing and narrative film at the Berlin University of the Arts and successfully completed both courses in 2018. The animated film TAKO TSUBO is her directorial film debut in collaboration with the Argentine artist Eva Pedroza.

Filmography (together): 2024 TAKO TSUBO

Sixpack Film
Neubaugasse 45/13
1070 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 52609900

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Find showtimes and tickets for this movie here: INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM COMPETITION – PART I