At 8 pm at Caligari FilmBühne starts Part I of the INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM COMPETITION. 18 movies from 16 countries are vying for the Jury Prize, endowed with EUR 2,000. The trophy money is awarded by exground-friends for which we are very thankful.
A few highlights of the programme: DIE BRÜCKE ÜBER DEN FLUSS directed by Jadwiga Kowalska, SHEEPO von Ian Robertson or the international premiere of ASPHALT [ASFALT] by Süleyman Demirel.
All further information on the films can be found here: http://exground.com/en/programm/wettbewerbe/internationaler-kurzfilm-wettbewerb–teil-i/
Our MADE IN GERMANY section will continue at 10 pm at Murnau-Filmtheater with QUEERCORE: HOW TO PUNK A REVOLUTION directed by Yony Leyser. Toronto/Kanada in its 1980s: raising up out of punk, the “Queercore” movement was built to strike against the commercialization of life.
Just before the screening begins at Murnau-Filmtheater there will be a lecture from AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL within the FOCUS section about freedom of speech in Turkey. Starting at 7:30 pm.
Another XTRA at Kulturpalast Wiesbaden today: LEUCHTFEUER – Wiesbaden author Alexander Pfeiffer presents a volume of selected works from the past three decades. The reading starts at 8 pm.